we know new type of addictive berhaviors and distinct from traditional internet
game addiction on desktop computers, mobile game addiction has attracted researchers
attention due to its possible negative effects on mental health issues.
However, very few studies have particulary eximined the relationship between
mobile game and social axiety, depression, and loneliness among adolescents. A
furher analysis on gender difference in the paths from mobile game addiction to
thses mental health outcomes was examined, and results revealed that male
adolescents tend to report social anxiety when they use mobile game
addictively. We also discussed limitations implications for mental health
Backround Games
the fast development a game mobile technology, many funcitions of desktop game
have been transferred to mobile devices like apple and smarthphone, which is
especially the case for game applications. Mobile video games refer to games
played by either single or multi playes via mobile. These games are
particularly popular when they can be download for free ( Freemium Games )
– The last China internet network information center’s ( CNNIC ) report
revealed that the growth rate of mobile online games has reached 9,6% and
adolescents are the main user group
– In comparison with the most segments of society, adolescents are more
vulnerable to internet-related addiction because of their psychological and
developmental characteristics, the easy access to internet with a portable
device games, and the positive expectation of mobile gaming
– It has been demonstrated that video games online addicts suffered poorer
mental health and cognitive functioning, and increased emotional difficulties,
such as enhaced depression and axiety as well as mote social isolation
the fact, relatively few studies examined imbslot the relationship between
mobile game addiction and mental health outcomes. This is because, so far, no
measurement especially designed for mobile addiction has been developed. In
literature, problematic mobile video gaming has been defined as a phenomenon in
which users strongly on mobile games and cannot help playing them repeatedly
over a comparatively long period. Previous studies of internet gaming disorder
( IGD ) have mainly focused on traditional online gaming addiction based on a
desktop computer games. However, recent research has sugested that there were
only moderated correlations between the diffrent form of internet addiction. In
addition, although mobile gaming addiction has similarity with traditional
desktop computer online gaming addiction, there are still obvious differences.
Theoretical Framework
Games Addiction and Depression
game addiction is chararterized by cognitive and emotional deficits games.
Previous studies have reported the couccurrence of internet addition and
depression. In addition a longitudinal study found that internet game
addition/depression severity at an earlier time, which indicated that a
possible bidirectional relationship existed between online gamer’s depression
symptoms and addiction games. People cope with their emotional distress by
playingg online game, but the excessive use of online games for a ling time may
separate indviduals from real-time relationship, because severer mental health
problem, such as depression. Therefore in this study we would expect a positive
relationship between game addition and depression.
Social Anxiety
anxiety, which is the most common anxiety disorder in adolescence, is the state
of tension or discomfort experienced by individuals in social situations. The
investigation on the potentional effects of mobile game addiction and
adolescence social anxiety is of importance considering that approximately one
third of adolescents meet the criteria for an anxiety disorder. Some literature
indicates that internet addiction, smartphone addiction, and palying to much
online games addciction were all associated with an individuals social anxiety.